I'll spare you this (very early) morning a boring log of my workouts. I've just been working my ass off (yes, literally). Every time I tell someone I'm preparing for a fight, I can almost guarantee that the word "danger" gets woven into the conversation.
It is precisely this fear of danger that I think is most damaging to the psyche of people in society--what causes depression, regret, etc. After all, if you're trying to survive in the face of danger, there is no way in hell you're going to be worrying about how someone didn't answer your text or [insert petty annoying complaint here].
The trouble is that for a range of psychological reasons, we tend to worry about the wrong things. It's making us unnecessarily fearful far too much of the time, and it's risking the possibility that we raise the next generation of kids unequipped to deal with the real world.
Sheltered kids becoming adults who are incapable of doing anything without supervision. In fact, human resource professionals have reported an alarming recent trend: parents accompanying kids to job interviews. Not just driving them there, but actually participating in the interview. Businesses attending college job fairs also report an increase in parents filling out job applications for their grown children.
I love fighting for that very element of danger people fear. Every time you go against an opponent, you expose a part of yourself to a challenge. A test of will and discipline. I've found this same exact feeling when doing parkour and urban exploring with my wolfpack.
I believe that there is something about living dangerously that makes you feel more alive. Maybe I'm crazy, but it is my solace to roam the night.
Now, there is obviously a difference between doing something stupid and doing something risky and breath-takingly beautiful. So I encourage you all out there.
Today. Or tomorrow...do something that SCARES you. Maybe as simple as walking through the woods on a moonless night. Leave the country and run away.
Whatever it is. Step out of that comfort zone and revel in that adrenaline rush.
"Live in danger.
Build your cities on the slopes of Vesuvius."
Build your cities on the slopes of Vesuvius."
You are AWESOME a rare breed! wish we could of met a little sooner, exchanged martial art techniques before you left chi-town, stay well and brave!