Ikigai is a japanese word for a raison d’être. In English, roughly it translates to something important one lives for. There seems to be something about human nature that reduces life to a routine. I'm guilty of it as well, but my fault is also that when I get honed in on a goal I lose a sense of balance. I don't spend as much time as I should catching up with friends and family at times. But, like anything else, it cycles. And at least I recognize that, and those who know me do not take offense to my withdrawal. Having a goal to work towards is also my way of staving off sadness or loneliness. On a side-note, in Chicago right now they are getting Thunderstorms. Its supposed to be one of the top 5 worst storms in history! I wish I was there to see it...
I'm going to keep this entry short, because I'm working on what I hope to be a really good, thought provoking one to post within a day or two.
Both AM and PM workouts were at the Dog Pound

10AM: Clinch. Matt noticed I was a bit weak at the morning practice. Well, I ran four miles (9ish minute pace with inclines) and only had 6 oz of blueberries before practice.
12PM: Ground and Pound
5PM: Came back for Matt's jiu jitsu class. I really like this one because for an entire hour he goes over technique step by step. That helps a lot and gives me some confidence in jiu jitsu.
I stayed a bit later and talked with Travis and Scott and Michelle until they left. I often like to workout alone. Its a very personal...almost meditative experience for me. I also like the silence when nobody is there.
Here was my nightly finisher:

Tomorrow, I'm getting up extra early. I'm devising a daily, straight out of bed mini workout to wake me up then I'll head to Gold's before practice.
10AM: Clinch. Matt noticed I was a bit weak at the morning practice. Well, I ran four miles (9ish minute pace with inclines) and only had 6 oz of blueberries before practice.
12PM: Ground and Pound
5PM: Came back for Matt's jiu jitsu class. I really like this one because for an entire hour he goes over technique step by step. That helps a lot and gives me some confidence in jiu jitsu.
I stayed a bit later and talked with Travis and Scott and Michelle until they left. I often like to workout alone. Its a very personal...almost meditative experience for me. I also like the silence when nobody is there.
Here was my nightly finisher:

To be honest...a few times I erased that "5" into a "3"...I had to think about what I wanted and how much I was willing to suffer to get it.It is impossible to achieve the aim without suffering
Tomorrow, I'm getting up extra early. I'm devising a daily, straight out of bed mini workout to wake me up then I'll head to Gold's before practice.
24 days until fight day!
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