
Training for MMA

Its been a very long time since I've made a post here, but I figured it is the perfect place to keep track of my workouts.

I have my first MMA fight February 25th, 2011 at the Adams Center in Missoula, Montana. I'm determined to win this one. But that means I have a lot of work ahead of me. This log will mostly be lifting and conditioning workouts though perhaps I'll add thoughts on skill training sporadically.

Lifting: I'm doing an EDT (escalating density training) program slightly altered to my preference. Its kicking my ass.

January 15, 2011

Bench Day

Movement 1: Wide Grip Bench [20 min time block]
with 95 lbs completed: 102 reps in 16 sets

Movement 2: Close Grip Bench [20 min time block]
with 65 lbs completed: 142 reps in 18 sets *(too easy. will increase weight next time)

Movement 3: Lat Pull Down [15 min time block]
with 75 lbs completed: 118 reps in 18 sets

Movement 4: Clean and Press (65 lbs)
with 65 lbs completed: 50 reps in 9 sets

Before I was supposed to meet Garrett and Marina at Golds again for another workout, I went to Blue Mountain with Sonic with the intention of doing hill springs. In my Vibram Five Fingers. END POORLY. It was snowy and icy...oh, and those shoes are not meant for cold weather. So the "hill springs" turned into a dog walk.
Back to Golds. Garrett, Marina, and I did two circuit training routines

Routine #1:
We used the perimeter of the room to progress through these exercises 3 times as fast as possible.

1) Tire Flip down and back
2) Reverse frog jumps
3) At the corner switch to front frog jumps
4) 10 burpees onto a bench
5) Crossover Pushups
6) Lunges
...and then you were back at the tire again.

Routine #2:
This was a Garrett creation; a bit more focused on strength over conditioning. Garrett let me wear his gas mask; in his words, take away Oxygen and you'll see how much harder something is. How very true! I felt like I had asthma. Or was a longtime smoker. But great addition to make it a bigger challenge. I will have to ask him to try that again sometime. Of course, we got some pretty strange looks. I could always say I was wearing it because Travis walked into the room...

Go through the following 3 times:
1) Tire flip down and back
2) Shoulder circles with 45lb plate (10 each way)
3) 10 Dumbbell Clean and Press (40 lb)
4) 10 Incline Pushups
5) 20 Russian Twists
6) 10 of Marina's "Starfish" exercises (hold weights in your hands and touch hand to opposite foot)

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