"Verily the lust for comfort murders the passion of the soul,
and then walks grinning in the funeral."
-Kahlil Gibran
and then walks grinning in the funeral."
-Kahlil Gibran
Lately I've been really nostalgic about my time in Costa Rica. I've come to realize that comfort ironically produces the most misery. I have never been happier in my life than in those moments either in Africa or Costa Rica when I was living each day to survive. Perhaps its just as simple as Maslov's Heirarchy of Needs. When you don't have guaranteed food, water, shelter, etc...you don't have the time nor capacity to be sad or depressed about anything because in comparison, it just doesn't matter. The biggest mistake "developed" countries make is to mistake comfort for happiness...
I started the day off with a cold shower. Reminds me of my days up in Providencia (near Cerro do la Muerte...which for you non Spanish speakers translates to "Mountain of Death") where I had to do burpees to get warm enough to take a frigid bath in the river. So comparably this is nothing! I didn't go to sleep until 5AM this morning. I was celebrating Brooke's birthday last night at the Badlander.

(cat ears made by Brooke ;) )
Came home...slept for four hours...walked the dog and ran four miles at an 8min/mile pace with varying incline. Today I decided to let my friends decide my workout. In the spirit of Wolf's postings on facebook, I did something similar. Here were the results
hard to watch the clock so usually took longer. Starfish (aka Garrett) did the workout with a gas mask and a backpack full of weights!
1) 5 sledgehammer swings per arm then tire flip down and back

2) Balance on medicine ball (aka, ankle breaker)

3) Medicine ball pushups (where you switch the ball arm to arm)
4) Resistance band twists
5) Resistance band squat and press
6) Balancing on your shins on the big bouncy ball
7) Lunges
8) Wall Sit
9) Bear Crawls
10) Medicine ball slams (12 lb medicine ball)
I started the day off with a cold shower. Reminds me of my days up in Providencia (near Cerro do la Muerte...which for you non Spanish speakers translates to "Mountain of Death") where I had to do burpees to get warm enough to take a frigid bath in the river. So comparably this is nothing! I didn't go to sleep until 5AM this morning. I was celebrating Brooke's birthday last night at the Badlander.

(cat ears made by Brooke ;) )
Came home...slept for four hours...walked the dog and ran four miles at an 8min/mile pace with varying incline. Today I decided to let my friends decide my workout. In the spirit of Wolf's postings on facebook, I did something similar. Here were the results
I keep my promises....tonight I did a grand total of:
Not all at once...but throughout the day. Which included a South Park marathon and catch up session with Cami and Karisa, which was a lot of fun! I finally bought my own sledgehammer again. Walked into Golds at 7pm with it. Got some strange looks, yeah. Garrett and Marina showed up shortly after and we put together what I will call
The Starfish Workout
we went through all the exercises twice. Ideally aiming for 30 seconds per station, but it washard to watch the clock so usually took longer. Starfish (aka Garrett) did the workout with a gas mask and a backpack full of weights!
1) 5 sledgehammer swings per arm then tire flip down and back

2) Balance on medicine ball (aka, ankle breaker)

3) Medicine ball pushups (where you switch the ball arm to arm)
4) Resistance band twists
5) Resistance band squat and press
6) Balancing on your shins on the big bouncy ball
7) Lunges
8) Wall Sit
9) Bear Crawls
10) Medicine ball slams (12 lb medicine ball)
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