Be real. Don’t be fake. Be smart. Don’t waste your time. Find that spark inside you and make it the biggest fucking fire around. Let it burn out of control. Take control of your destination and never give it up. Stop making excuses. Make it work. All the pleasures in life cannot compare to living your dream. If you dream of being big, strong, beating your opponents, competing, and winning then go do it. Get off your ass. The only thing that I fear is the thought that one day I may not have a dream, so I will not let this one go until I get all that I want. Take it. Fuck everything else.

Workout of the Day
1) 20 minutes of the following:
10 sledgehammer swings per arm + tire flip down and back [20 minute block]
surprisingly, I completed the whole 20 minutes with hardly any rest!
Maybe just enough to say hi to Jory. :)
2) 10 minutes of supersetting pullups and lunges
total pullups: 30
total lunges: 120
3) 10 minutes of supersetting pushups with ab wheel rollouts
total ab wheel rollouts: 70
total pushups: 60
10 sledgehammer swings per arm + tire flip down and back [20 minute block]
surprisingly, I completed the whole 20 minutes with hardly any rest!
Maybe just enough to say hi to Jory. :)
2) 10 minutes of supersetting pullups and lunges
total pullups: 30
total lunges: 120
3) 10 minutes of supersetting pushups with ab wheel rollouts
total ab wheel rollouts: 70
total pushups: 60
Today was a lighter day. I'm resting up a bit for some intense fight training this week. I alternated between the steam room and cold shower before leaving Gold's to meet Marina and work on our business plan.
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